Birth Story:
It all started on Wednesday March 25. I started having contractions that night that stayed between 5 and 7 minutes apart. We went to see Dr. Stone early Thursday morning. I had progressed to about 2 cm and we were sent to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. After about 5 hours and no more progress, I was given some pain medicine that slowed the contractions and sent home. That night around 2 a.m. the contractions came back, this time stronger so we headed back to St. Vincent's Friday morning. I had made it to around 3 cm, so we were sent back to Labor and Delivery again. By 2:30 that afternoon, I had made no more progress but my contractions were still strong. I had the sweetest nurse, Sam, that took care of us that afternoon. I swear if it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't have made it. I figured I would get sent home once again, and then Sam came in with an oxygen mask and I knew something was about to happen. Ty's heart rate had began to drop with each contraction. My doctor had left for the day, so the on call doctor was paged. I was terrified of having a doctor I didn't know, but I swear she was an angel. She was a young doctor and pregnant herself. She took one look at Ty's monitor and said, "I'm not watching this, its time for him to come out." Before I knew it, she had broken my water, and 10 people were in my room preparing me for an emergency C-section. It was a whirlwind...I was so scared but the the doctor and Sam were so sweet and encourgaing. A few minutes later I got my spinal and surgery started. Ty was born seconds later. I think the whole surgery took maybe 30 minutes!
Ty's NICU stay:
After they sewed me back up, we headed back to our room. Our parents and a few friends got to come visit. Ty started to have trouble maintaining his temperature. That paired with the fact that I had tested positive for Group B Strep concerned the nurses and doctors. I wasn't treated for it since I had an emergency C-section and it can be very dangerous to babies. So around midnight, a doctor came and took Ty to the NICU to treat him for possible infection. I think that will always be one of the hardest moments of my life. This little baby had been a part of me for so long, and then hours later he was taken from me and I didn't know if he would be okay. The good news is, he was fine! He was given antibiotics and monitored as a precaution, but was a healthy baby boy!
Life at Home:
Ty is doing great! I had a tough time the first few days because of my C-section, but now I'm feeling better and we are all adjusting.These past few weeks have by far been the craziest of my life, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. We are still trying to establish some kind of sleep schedule, but I know it will come with time.
I can't believe how much he has grown already! His little face is getting pudgier by the day! We go for his one month check-up tomorrow. I can't believe how fast time has flown by!