Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We have to work on sharing....

"Uncle Fish, I'm warning you- DO NOT touch my toys!

"I mean it- I'm watching you!"

(Not a good idea)
"Now, I'm MAD!"

Mommy's Sweetie!

Have I mentioned that I love this little boy!?? He made my day yesterday. He always smiles when I pick him up from daycare. But yesterday was different. His teacher, Mimi, picked him up out of his jumpy and when he saw me walking toward him he smiled, gasped and put his arms out toward me. It was so sweet!!

Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, we joined Jaime, Jason, and Brady at the Pumpkin Patch at Shadow Lake. We had so much fun! Ty seemed to enjoy being outside. He rode his first train and took his first hay ride. We also had a little picnic with the Cox family. Here are some pictures from our little adventure...