Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ty man and his pacy

Wednesday was not a good day for Ty. Brent called me when he got to work and said he had forgotten to take Ty's pacy to daycare. But not to worry, his teachers said he had an extra in his cubby.

Well fast forward a few hours. I go in to pick him up and I could tell he had been upset. The teachers told me that they thought they had a pacy but couldn't find it. They tried to give him other they had, but he wouldn't take them. He is SO picky about his pacy. In fact, when he was younger I had to special order the pacys that they give in the hospital because its the only one he liked. Anyways, he had barely napped all day and was just distraught about his missing pacy. As soon as we got home I popped it in his mouth. Bless his heart, he was out in two seconds!

Daddy was sure to take his pacy AND and extra the next morning. Looks like we might have a little trouble breaking this little habit in the months to come!

9 Month Stats!

Ty had his 9 month appointment last Friday. He weighed in at 18 lbs 4 oz and was 27 and 3/4 in tall. He is in the 75th percentile for his heighth and head, and 25th percentile for weight. So basically the boy is still tall and skinny!

After Christmas, he developed a yucky virus. He was so sick last week that we had to do breathing treatments...which were terrible!! We had to hold him down to do it every 4 hours!!! We kept him out of daycare all week, but Dr. Stone said he sounded better on Friday, so he has been back and school all week and is much better!

In other Ty news, he is starting to repeat things we say. So far he has said good, quack, quack ..hey baby, and cat. Needless to say, we are having to be careful what we say! He has also started to call Brooks "duh." We couldn't figure out what he was talking about for awhile...we thought he might be referring to his toy duck. But we came to realize he only says it while in his walker chasing Brooks!

He also loves to "read" his books. He looks so intently at each page and always leans in for a "closer look." It is absolutely hilarious to watch!

He is also waving bye bye...well he opens and closes his hand at you. Its so sweet and makes it that much harder to leave him! He is such a sweet baby and so much fun to be around! I can't believe he is getting so big!