Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day and Back to Work

Brent celebrated his first Father's Day last Sunday. He is the best Daddy!!! Ty and I gave him a new charcoal grill and we made him a special slideshow (which I plan on posting later). It was a really fun and busy weekend! Saturday night we cooked out with my parents. Sunday, Ty and I took Brent to lunch at Outback then went shopping at Babies 'R' Us, where Ty got a "big boy" swing, which he loves!! Sunday night we at dinner at Brent's parents. Here are some recent pics of Brent and Monkey...
Daddy and Ty being silly!

Daddy, Ty and Brooks being lazy!

In other news, I am now back at work. Last Thursday was actually my first day...but Thursday and Friday Ty stayed with our grandmothers so I wasn't to worried about him. He started daycare this that was hard! I cried all the way to work, and even went to visit him during lunch. I felt so guilty for leaving him at first, but I am feeling better about it now. I miss him like crazy, but I really like his daycare teachers and feel like he is in good hands. Maybe one day I can swing being a stay-at-home mom, but right now working is a must.

Ty also reached another milestone over the past couple of weeks. He laughed out loud for the first time at 11 1/2 weeks, but he has now started "belly- laughing" when we tickle him. He gets so cracked up and his little laugh is the cutest thing ever! He did it for the first time the other night on his changing table. I was so excited that I strapped him to his changing pad and called Brent on speaker phone. Of course, he wouldn't do it again! I keep hoping to catch it on video, but its never around when he does it. (He is still very selective as to when he thinks its funny). Oh well, maybe we will catch it soon.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cute little monkey!

Thought these were too cute not to share. He smiles and babbles more and more each day! Brent and I have come up with so many nicknames for him....but I think we use "monkey" the most. I think I picked it up from "Tori and Dean" that show! Liam and Stella are so cute!
He is now a little over 11 weeks old! Time has flown by. I can't believe I go back to work on Thursday!I go back with mixed emotion...I am ready to have a set routine again but I am NOT ready to leave him! I really like the daycare we chose...I really hope it works out!