Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cute little monkey!

Thought these were too cute not to share. He smiles and babbles more and more each day! Brent and I have come up with so many nicknames for him....but I think we use "monkey" the most. I think I picked it up from "Tori and Dean" that show! Liam and Stella are so cute!
He is now a little over 11 weeks old! Time has flown by. I can't believe I go back to work on Thursday!I go back with mixed emotion...I am ready to have a set routine again but I am NOT ready to leave him! I really like the daycare we chose...I really hope it works out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you and Ty came to Chip's weigh-in yesterday! He was so good...he just sleeps all the time when he goes out! And as much as I hate to admit--he looked absolutely adorable in his bama outfit! Love you guys!!

    Aunt Mal-Mal :)
