We were really worried that he would cry and scream when our preacher, Allen took him, but he did so great! Another baby, Aja was baptized right before Ty and our two families were the topic of the sermon. Allen focused on how everyone wants to stay in certain bright moments of their lives. The main quote was "If I could just stay here..." Like the day Ty was born...I wanted to stay in that moment forever. But if we had stayed in that wonderful moment, we would have also missed all the great things that have happened during his first year.
As Ty approaches his first birthday, I try to remind myself of this sermon. I have loved him being a baby so much. I am saddened a little when I look into his closet and see his tiny clothes that don't fit anymore and his infant seat waiting to be put in the attic because its been replaced with a big boy car seat. I try to cherish every time he lets me give him his bottle...I know he will not need me quite as much in the near future. Although a little sad, I think about what Allen said. If we stay in this moment forver, we will miss so much! Our little family has so much to look forward to!
Thank you to all our family and friends who were there on Ty's big day! Here are a few pics...
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