Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May madness!

This has been one crazy month in the Beard household! Work was crazy busy with Hospital Week and weekend events plus I hosted two showers just last weekend alone! On top of that, we bought a new car this month. I won't go into all the details....but NEVER EVER BUY A CAR FROM CROWN NISSAN!! To sum it all up, I ended up purchasing two cars in one week because of a defect in the first car we bought! I ended up with a nicer, newer car in the end but it was not worth ALL of the trouble!

Ty is now 14 months old! He is starting to get brave with his walking. He will walk from me to Brent and even walk across the den. I give him a couple of weeks before he has it down pat! He is really starting to show us his understanding of things. The other day we were at Target he started making this crazy sound and pointing. We turned around and he was pointing to a tractor we had at home and making the sound it makes!! He also now THROWS his sippy cup at me when he is ready for his milk! His favorite morning activity is "helping me" with my makeup. He sits on the floor with me and goes through my bag taking EVERYTHING out! It makes a huge mess, but he is so cute!

We are now gearing up for a MUCH needed vacation. We will be leaving Friday for Port St. Joe, Florida with Brent's parents. We will stay through Wednesday, then Ty and I will have some quality time together at home next Thursday and Friday. We are so ready and excited!!
Pictures soon to come!

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