Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May madness!

This has been one crazy month in the Beard household! Work was crazy busy with Hospital Week and weekend events plus I hosted two showers just last weekend alone! On top of that, we bought a new car this month. I won't go into all the details....but NEVER EVER BUY A CAR FROM CROWN NISSAN!! To sum it all up, I ended up purchasing two cars in one week because of a defect in the first car we bought! I ended up with a nicer, newer car in the end but it was not worth ALL of the trouble!

Ty is now 14 months old! He is starting to get brave with his walking. He will walk from me to Brent and even walk across the den. I give him a couple of weeks before he has it down pat! He is really starting to show us his understanding of things. The other day we were at Target he started making this crazy sound and pointing. We turned around and he was pointing to a tractor we had at home and making the sound it makes!! He also now THROWS his sippy cup at me when he is ready for his milk! His favorite morning activity is "helping me" with my makeup. He sits on the floor with me and goes through my bag taking EVERYTHING out! It makes a huge mess, but he is so cute!

We are now gearing up for a MUCH needed vacation. We will be leaving Friday for Port St. Joe, Florida with Brent's parents. We will stay through Wednesday, then Ty and I will have some quality time together at home next Thursday and Friday. We are so ready and excited!!
Pictures soon to come!

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Trip to the Zoo!

We took Ty on his first visit to the zoo the weekend after Easter. The weather was perfect!
Ty had a great time. He loves animals so he had a blast. He also rode a carosel for the first time with Mommy. But his absolute favorite was the food court cheese fries! Brent and I decided to stop for a snack and Ty couldn't get enough!! It was a really fun day and we can't wait to go back!

Daddy with his buddy
Yum...cheese fries!!

What A Difference A Year Makes!!

Easter 2009
Easter 2010

Easter Day Fun

As you can see, the Easter Bunny came to visit Ty! He brought Ty snacks, books, a sippy cup, his first toothbrush (which he LOVES), and some little cars. After going through his Easter basket, we all got ready and went to church. Ty was a little restless, so me and him sat out in the lobby most of the service!

After church, we went to Grandmother's for lunch. We ate and then played outside for awhile. Ty was a little wild man running up and down the driveway in his walker

Sunday night, we went over to Nona and Grandaddy's. We ate Easter dinner and hung out for awhile. It was a pretty big day for Ty, so he was quite ready to go to bed when we got home!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Sweet One Year Old!

I still can't believe my baby is one!! We had his 12 month appointment at the beginning of this month. He weighed in at 19 lbs 4 oz. I can't remember his exact height. But I do know he is in the 25th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. So little man needs to gain a little weight!!

We finally got him drinking whole milk. But I do either have to mix it with chocolate milk or add a little chocolate syrup. We haven't lost the bottle yet...but that is a monster we will tackle at a later date! He is going through a phase now where he will hardly eat anything!! The only things he really likes to eat are biscuits and mashed potatoes!

He started crawling the day before his birthday, and the boy is EVERYWHERE. He is also pulling up on everything. He took his first few steps last week at daycare! (Which does hurt his mommy's heart a little). But he is yet to do it at home. His teachers said those first few steps scared him, so I think he is scared to try again!

His favorite toys right now are cars, tractors, anything with wheels. He pushes them around and makes the vrrrrrrrromm sound. It's really cute. He also LOVES Brooks. He is always laughing and smiling at him. Brooks still isn't sure, but is starting to play with him a little.

We are now about to embark on putting him on a night time schedule. He has been staying up til almost midnight most nights and mommy and daddy are whooped! So we will see how this goes!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ty's 1st Birthday Party!

Ty's first birthday was lots of fun. We rented out the top of the barn at the Oak Mountain Petting Zoo and did a John Deere theme. Jaime and I decorated most of the morning and our party started at 12:00. Ty was so good. He rode around in his wagon, ate his little cake, and was very patient while I helped him open all of his gifts! After opening his gifts, we went outside to the petting zoo. I think all the little ones had a good time!
Bless his heart, he did sport his first "boo boo" all day. The Friday before, we had his one year old pictures made at Botanical Gardens. He got really excited during one shot and face planted in the gravel! So his poor little nose looked pretty bad! But no worries, its already all healed up. Unfortunately, its probably the first of many!

Thank you to all our family and friends who came to celebrate with us! A special thank you to my bestie Jaime for all of her hard work!

Here are some more pictures from our fun day!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ty's Baptism

Ty was baptized on Valentines Day! We had wanted to do it earlier but the poor boy was sick so much in his earlier months.

We were really worried that he would cry and scream when our preacher, Allen took him, but he did so great! Another baby, Aja was baptized right before Ty and our two families were the topic of the sermon. Allen focused on how everyone wants to stay in certain bright moments of their lives. The main quote was "If I could just stay here..." Like the day Ty was born...I wanted to stay in that moment forever. But if we had stayed in that wonderful moment, we would have also missed all the great things that have happened during his first year.

As Ty approaches his first birthday, I try to remind myself of this sermon. I have loved him being a baby so much. I am saddened a little when I look into his closet and see his tiny clothes that don't fit anymore and his infant seat waiting to be put in the attic because its been replaced with a big boy car seat. I try to cherish every time he lets me give him his bottle...I know he will not need me quite as much in the near future. Although a little sad, I think about what Allen said. If we stay in this moment forver, we will miss so much! Our little family has so much to look forward to!

Thank you to all our family and friends who were there on Ty's big day! Here are a few pics...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

We had a great first Valentine's Weekend with our little man. Brent and I were supposed to celebrate Friday, but due to the ice and snow we waited until Saturday night. Brent and I went to Firebirds while Ty stayed with Grammy and Grandaddy. Brent was really sweet and bought me roses and I gave him an Alabama snuggie!

Sunday was a very special day....not only was it Ty's first Valentine's Day...he was also baptized!
He did so good! I'll post more about that later....for now here is a pic of me and my little Valentine!

Snow Day!

Ty experienced his first snow on Friday! I went into work for awhile until Brent had to head in. I got home around 10:30 and Ty and I had a nice nap....then went outside to "play" in the snow with Granna! I guess we ended up with about 2 inches. Ty wasn't too sure about it, as you can tell be his face. It was so nice being home with him most of the day!

Here are a few pics from our lazy afternoon and evening at home....

Watching the snow melt..

My sweet boy...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ty man and his pacy

Wednesday was not a good day for Ty. Brent called me when he got to work and said he had forgotten to take Ty's pacy to daycare. But not to worry, his teachers said he had an extra in his cubby.

Well fast forward a few hours. I go in to pick him up and I could tell he had been upset. The teachers told me that they thought they had a pacy but couldn't find it. They tried to give him other they had, but he wouldn't take them. He is SO picky about his pacy. In fact, when he was younger I had to special order the pacys that they give in the hospital because its the only one he liked. Anyways, he had barely napped all day and was just distraught about his missing pacy. As soon as we got home I popped it in his mouth. Bless his heart, he was out in two seconds!

Daddy was sure to take his pacy AND and extra the next morning. Looks like we might have a little trouble breaking this little habit in the months to come!

9 Month Stats!

Ty had his 9 month appointment last Friday. He weighed in at 18 lbs 4 oz and was 27 and 3/4 in tall. He is in the 75th percentile for his heighth and head, and 25th percentile for weight. So basically the boy is still tall and skinny!

After Christmas, he developed a yucky virus. He was so sick last week that we had to do breathing treatments...which were terrible!! We had to hold him down to do it every 4 hours!!! We kept him out of daycare all week, but Dr. Stone said he sounded better on Friday, so he has been back and school all week and is much better!

In other Ty news, he is starting to repeat things we say. So far he has said good, quack, quack ..hey baby, and cat. Needless to say, we are having to be careful what we say! He has also started to call Brooks "duh." We couldn't figure out what he was talking about for awhile...we thought he might be referring to his toy duck. But we came to realize he only says it while in his walker chasing Brooks!

He also loves to "read" his books. He looks so intently at each page and always leans in for a "closer look." It is absolutely hilarious to watch!

He is also waving bye bye...well he opens and closes his hand at you. Its so sweet and makes it that much harder to leave him! He is such a sweet baby and so much fun to be around! I can't believe he is getting so big!